The Kiddos

The Kiddos

Monday, February 27, 2012

Everytime I Think About it, I Laugh.

Over the years I have always been so amused with some of the thing that has come out of my daughter's mouth.  Just the way her little mind works, or the way she takes things so literally at times cracks me up.  So I thought I would share with you some of comments that she has made and why they make me laugh every time.

At 18 mos old I decided it was time to potty train my daughter.  I bought her the potty, the pull ups, I mean we were ready to go!  The first morning of our endevor she woke up with a dry diaper so I figured this was as good of time as any to get started.  When I told her to sit on the potty and try to go "pee pee" she did without hesitation.  I clapped and cheered, which she got the biggest kick out of.  She then looked up at me with determination in her eyes and said, "I go again Mommy."  A moment later her little face fell, and she was ever so disapointed when stated very matter of factly, "Mommy, it broken." 

When my daughter was very young, she and I would always play the same game in the car to keep her occupied.  Everytime she closed her eyes I would act all worried as though she had disappeared, and say over and over again, "Where are you?", as she giggled non stop.  Then, of course, when she opened her eyes again, I would act so very relieved.  One day while playing this I asked, "Where are you Honey, I can't see you?"  and she ever so cleverly replied "Mommy, I'm hiding in my eyes!"

When I was growing up my grandmother was a stickler for never "taking the Lords name in vain".  So I figured it couldn't hurt to bestow this same value in my children.  I made sure to always correct them if they said "Oh my God" to say "Oh my gosh".  My daughter really took to this and I rarely had to correct her.  At around age 3 she was out on the porch with her grandmother.  There was a beautiful windchime that the two were admiring.  I was watching through the glass so I couldn't hear what they were saying, but my daughter was getting very excited.  She soon came skipping in through the door and came right up to me exclaiming "Mommy, gosh is talking to me!"  I started laughing and went out to ask my mother in law what my daughter meant.  She explained to me that she had told my daughter that every time the windchime chimed, it was God talking to her.

A while back my then 4yr old daughter asked me how babies got into a mommies tummy.  Not wanting to give her "the Talk" that young I told her what I was told around that age.  That when 2 people really love each other and want a baby, they ask God.  I then added my own tid bit about how God then takes a little bit of the Mommy and a little bit of the Daddy, mixes them together to make a baby, and puts the baby in the mommy's belly.  She seemed to be completely satified with that answer and went on her merry way.  Not that long ago, now at age 5, my daughter asked if her stepfather and I would ask God for a sister for her.  I explained to her that we couldn't have anymore babies because just like a doggy would "get fixed" her step father was fixed.  So then remembering back to what I had told her she then said, "Well I love you Mommy, I'll have a baby with you." 


I hope I made you smile and please feel free to share some of your own stories in the comments section!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ok...I'll say it, "Mom.... you were right"

The very phrase "Mom, you were right", makes me cringe internally.  It's the words I always vowed would never cross my lips, and the one sentence my Mother has been waiting with bated breath to hear.

As a child, as most kids do, I idolized my Mom.  She knew everything!  I could ask her anything and she always knew the right answer.  As a teenager all that went out the window.  This was the time in my life that I was convinced I was a genious!  My mom was old, out dated, and most of all Stupid.   How on earth did she know what it was like to live my life?  How could she possibly know anything about anything...I mean come on, she's a  Baby Boomer for goodness sakes.  None of that could compare to the life experiences of a 16 yr old.  Or so I thought.

So here it goes..."Mom, you were right."  It did not kill me to have only three TV channels and no video games, as I claimed it would.  In fact, it forced me to use my imagination, to get off the couch and venture outside, to discover and learn new things.  "Mom, you were right."  My friends didn't think less of me for not having brand name everything.  It taught me to appreciate when I am able to buy nice things.  "Mom, you were right."  I was not completely shattered beyond repair after my first heart break.  There really are "other fish in the sea".  "Mom, you were right."  Having a part time job in high school was actually good for me.  It taught me the value of a dollar.  "Mom, you were right."  Moving out at 19 and working a full time job while going to school did make my life alot harder than it had to be.  I could have saved myself alot of time and money if I had listened to you and lived at home while I went to school.  "Mom, you were right"  I do see everything differently now that I am a parent myself, which has enabled me to finally say the words, "Mom, you were right." 

But unfortunately life is full of these lessons that we have to learn for ourselves.  No matter how many times I was told what the end result would be, I refused to listen, and usually still do.  Now raising my own children I understand the infuriating frustration.  No matter how many stories of "been there, done that", I relay to them, they look at me as though I am a complete idiot.  So they too will, (as my mom likes to put it), "Touch the stove, when its hot.  Even though you just told them not to."  They will have to live and learn as we all have, and one day I hope to hear the words as well, "Mom, you were right."

My Mom
         The "Yeah Right" face my mom got ALOT!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Was Nominated?!?

One of my bestest friends, and fellow blogger Sarah, has nominated little ole' me for the Versatile Blogger Award!!  Not only that but if it wasn't for the inspiration I got through reading her fabulous blog (a must read) I wouldn't even have been opened up to the wonderful world of blogging.  So thank you from the bottom of my heart!  You truly are a great friend. 

So here goes....
Now as the rules go after (1), thanking the nominator and (2),posting a link to their blog I am (3) to tell you about 15 of the blogs/bloggers that I follow or have discovered. Unfortunately since I have 3 young children, a full time job, a dog, and a husband I don't have that much free time.  So I will list the 3 that I do follow and the 4 that I have recently come across. Here they are in no particular order.

Next (5), I am to tell you 7 things about myself.  Well we all know how much I like to hear myself talk so :

1) I am obessed with cheesy vampire romance novels.
2) I believed in the "Boogy Man" until I was 16.
3) I learned how to ride a dirt bike when I was 7, and I still can.
4) I was an a teenager before I knew milk was an option on cereal...but I like it better dry.
5) I think my house is haunted.
6) If left unchecked, I would become a hoarder.  (I have trouble throwing away ANYTHING!)
7) I could eat pizza every meal, every day, and never get sick of it.

Well thats all folks,  and once again, thank you Sarah!